
karate history
uechi history
children & karate
& self-defense
the eight virtues
of black belt
uechi-ryu ranks
true meaning of karate
principles of practice
the twenty precepts
what is a black belt?
things to remember
your name in japanese
how to tie a karate belt

About UechiKarate.Net

This site was developed to provide information about Karate and Uechi-Ryu Karate. The information here is general in nature and is intended to give the visitor some interesting facts.

The Study of Marial Arts - A Word of Caution
The study of Martial Arts should be entered into with eyes wide open. Much of what is being marketed in today's environment is not a fair representation of what it takes to become a successful practioner. There are no shortcuts, and the path to real skill is a long one. Attaining black belt rank is a process of years. Emphasis on a student's rank - or how quickly one might achieve the next rank - might be an indication of something other than concern about achieving a certain amount of experience or skill level. Thus, many long-time practioners are wary of what is considered the "commercialization" of the art - a business model that puts marketing and volume ahead of developing real skill.

For some perspective, the first black belt rank is Shodan, which means "beginner". So when after years of training, a person achieves the rank of first degree black belt, that person is a rookie and is just beginning the journey to real skill.

Please look around, and enjoy the site.

UechiKarate.Net is independently owned and operated, and has no affiliation with any third parties. Content is solely the creation of UechiKarate.Net and is not to be construed as connected to, or representative of, any third party.

Copyright © 2001-2015 UechiKarate.Net. All Rights Reserved.  •  Last Update: March 2015
